At this time, October seems so far away as the anticipation stirs within me and causes my heart to beat at twice its regular speed. My paper work is still incomplete, which lingers over me and consumes my nightmares, my diploma is yet to be awarded to me, and my teacher certification test is a mere 3 solar rotations away. Stressed.
However, a large dose of reassurance came to me in the form of an e-mail which was sent as a reply from the other American teacher that is currently working in Shinha Elementary School, my future place of employment. It appears that we have some things in common that will be comforting. Most excitingly, she knows what Gender Roles are and how we're affected by them. Thank. God. I even took a little bit of time to read her blog that eloquently depicts her emigration from the US into South Korea. Her insightful allegories spark my enthusiasm yet leave me a bit weary about somethings. Her attention to the emotional aspect of leaving home was comforting, as I too am juggling with the best way to deal with the inevitable emotional strain that such a journey will bring forth. I have been internalizing my options of confronting my fears and openly dealing with them or rather just ignoring them in an attempt to make them null and void. Bucket list item #71: consistently practice open communication. Right.
Anyway, this is the school where I'll be teaching 5th and 6th grade English. (thanks for the photo, West)
Back to studying....
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