I received an e-mail from my Aclipse recruiter saying that all of my application materials look fantastic but she was missing a picture from me. It needed to be a picture of me in professional attire, smiling. Thankfully, I had one from my graduation ceremony. I sent her three versions of the same photo...just in case. As implied by the title of this particular post, Korea sure does like to see the person they're hiring before the letter of acceptance is sent out. Not sure of the reason but I've experienced this with both companies.
This is where I plug an AMAZING
site for aiding me in my multiple photo edits. My beautiful sister
Kelsey introduced me to it and I want to share it with the world.

This is the picture I used. This is one of the three versions I used. I also sent one that showed a full background and one that was just a head shot. I anticipate that one of the three will successfully adhere to the standards.
you look great!! :)