Sunday, April 4, 2010


In my continued process of applying to teach English in Korea, I have made some small but mighty progress. I have been thoroughly impressed with Korvia and would highly suggest them to anyone that is interested in teaching English in Korea.

However, before I proceed with my personal application process thus far, I want to first say this: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure that before you even start going through with this process of teaching in Korea, make sure that it is something that you whole-heartedly want to do. They are serious about finding people that are dedicated to the cause of TEACHING English. I emphasize the TEACHING because this is not a paid vacation for a year; this is an adult responsibility and you are essentially being held accountable for students' future success. The more fluent a Korean is in English, the more successful their life will be. Hands down. So please only pursue this if you know you can faithfully dedicate yourself to the further advancement of the future generation's English education. Ok. now that I'm off my soap box, we will return to our originally scheduled program.

I have officially begun the extensive application process. My Korvia recruiter sent me two different applications in order to widen my options. The application includes: completing an extensive application; background check/criminal record/essay/resume/two letters of reference/one lesson plan. I have started by filling out the application and understand the urgency of its completion because they start recruiting April 5. If selected, I will be attending an orientation in August where I will meet my Korean co-teacher.

That Korvia homepage has extensive resources to satisfy multiple curiosities. Topic range from salary to cell phones in Korea to health care to taxes to living.

Believe and be the change you wish to see


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