Monday, July 5, 2010

Plan B

Due to the feeling of defeat and the sense of hopelessness that was thrown at me with my first attempt to get hired, I moved on to another plan. My mom, being the incredibly supportive mother that she is, did some Google searches for me and came across another recruiting site. Aclipse is similar to Korvia in that they recruit and send you to different schools in Korea but the two companies have a few major differences. Aclipse services out of the States, Korvia services out of Korea. I am working with an American recruiter who works from Boston with Aclipse, with Korvia, I worked with a Korean woman who works....somewhere in Korea. Aclipse works with a specific group of schools that all share the same philosophy, curriculum, and network called ChungDaum schools; Korvia works with different kinds of schools in different areas (public, private, rural, urban).

The application process for Aclipse was MUCH different form that of Korvia. More cut and dry, more fat was cut out, it moved quicker, was less complicated. My initial application was the simple submission of my resume and answering a few questions. This just shows you're interested (same with Korvia). They then contacted me via e-mail to say they're interested in me and we set up a phone interview. That was interested. MUCH less intimidating than the first interview I had over the phone. It was a chance for her to get to know me as a person and as a potential educator. I heard back two days later via e-mail saying that I had passed the phone interview. I then had to submit some other documents for the complete application process. One of these things was a YouTube video that let them see me as a person even farther.

I am still waiting for my results from that.

Hopefully, I'll end up with two job offers!

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