Thursday, April 22, 2010

Technical Difficulties

Well. I have been experiencing some technical difficulties recently at the tail end of the application process. One of my references wasn't able to get his letter of recommendation on a letter head so though it was appreciated, it was disregarded. Another reference didn't include her e-mail in the letter or recommendation and that had to be resubmitted. Then, I couldn't get another reference to bump me up on her priority list and after a couple friendly reminders that continued to yield no productive result, I turned to yet another reference who submitted the letter that same day. Now, I have officially submitted all documents and will now wait for the conducted interview, probably via Skype. Though all of the "officialness" (excuse the irony of that self-created word) is tedious, it's also reassuring that I am working with a reputable and safe company. GOODNESS! this is exciting!

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